One of the biggest issues business owners face with their website is attracting visitors. Many owners look to expensive SEO programs or advertising solutions to try to increase their web traffic or on the flip side just ignore the issue completely. Let’s take a closer look at increasing website traffic, coming up next.

Getting visitors to your website is easier said than done but with a few simple and inexpensive tips you can get yourself on the right track. Here are three ways to get more visitors to your website.

1. Blogging – Having an active company blog is an easy way to increase traffic to your website. All of the major search engines crawl websites to look for and index new content. As you post content more frequently, search engines and readers will pay more attention to your site. This means more visitors to your site.

2. Social Media – Though you may have looked at social media mostly to connect with friends and relatives, social media is a great way to get your business noticed. One of the biggest benefits to using social media for your business is the low cost of entry and potential for new business. By sharing blog content, news, press releases or web pages on a regular basis, you can easily convert social followers into more web traffic for your website.

3. Email Newsletter – Email is another great way to stay in touch with customers and get more visitors to your website. A monthly email newsletter allows you to reuse your blog content, special offers, and announcements as links back to your website.

By implementing these few inexpensive tips into your marketing plan, you will be on the right path to increasing traffic to your website. If you are looking for additional help with your website, business technology or networks, feel free to give our team a call.

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